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University of Warwick, Chemistry Lab
Warwick, UK

Complete refurbishment to a state-of-the-art undergraduate Chemistry laboratory

The project involved the complete refurbishment of an existing outdated chemistry laboratory into a state-of-the-art undergraduate wet laboratory for the University of Warwick.

Working in close collaboration with teaching staff and students, a series of new more efficient layouts were developed incorporating much needed flexible breakout spaces and ‘hot zone’ teaching spaces within an open plan laboratory.

A new entrance space allows students to enter safely, store bags, robe up and wash hands. The Dry Studio / Teaching Space provides a ‘non-chemical’ area for teaching with full wireless IT, integrated smart boards and flexible desking.

The design of the main Wet Laboratory maximised the number of fume cupboards with a much more efficient layout. Visual obstructions throughout the space have been minimised, improving sight lines and natural light penetration. The Technican’s Laboratory has been increased in size with controlled security and good access to the main lab.

Clever lighting and coloured flooring delineates working zones, highlighting changes in the functionality of space such as the dry studio transition into the wet lab, and marking circulation routes throughout the space.

By installing efficient new fume cupboards the cost saving to the lab was calculated at £80,000 per annum based on an average 0.33 face velocity rate of the fume cupboards.

Warwick University Chemistry Lab

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