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Parque Principado
Asturias, Spain

Located on the outskirts of Asturias, Spain, Parque Principado is a remarkable transformation of a 74,000 sqm shopping centre into a 146,000 sqm retail park. Broadway Malyan led a comprehensive redesign of the existing building and incorporated new retail units.

The scheme includes a new supermarket, convenience stores, additional open and covered parking spaces, and new entrances to both the mall and the IKEA store. It also features a comprehensive refurbishment of the food court and the shopping mall’s interior.

“The design takes inspiration from nature’s fractals—organic shapes that evolve into mathematical patterns. A walk through the forests of Asturias, with their flowing branches and rustling leaves, provided the project’s most powerful source of inspiration.”
Jorge Ponce, Practice Principal, Broadway Malyan

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