As a financial institution it was important that the design had a rigour and honesty. The glass facades represent a visual openness and transparency while the expressed structure anchors the building to the ground and emphasises the sense of stability. A vertical fritting pattern on the exterior glazing represents communication lines extending out from a central core embodying the global nature of modern banking.
Landmark 20-storey office tower for HSBC in Downtown Dubai acting as the headquarters for the UAE
Located in downtown Dubai, HSBC Dubai is Broadway Malyan’s second major project with the bank having previously designed the interiors of their Singapore headquarters. The 20-storey tower becomes the new international head office for HSBC after a consolidation programme, reducing its portfolio from four to two buildings, whilst also expanding its overall floor space from 33,000m² to 37,000m².

As a financial institution it was important that the design had a rigour and honesty and its glass facades represent a visual openness and transparency while the expressed structure anchors the building to the ground emphasising the sense of stability.