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Dehong Shanghai
Shanghai, China

Dehong Shanghai has been designed to support a unique learning programme called SE21, which emphasises collaboration, entrepreneurship and essential skills for the modern workforce. SE21 encompasses physical spaces called Hubs and a learning programme offered in different forms inside and outside the curriculum.

The Hubs create environments where students can participate in technology-driven educational activities or innovative learning experiences like robotics, coding and virtual reality experiences. The school is designed with innovative and adaptable learning areas, including dedicated collaboration zones and outdoor learning terraces for each year group, centred around two expansive internal quads.

Pupils have immersive and flexible classrooms with versatile breakout areas, access to a large lecture space and portable study pods. This setup enables teachers and pupils to reconfigure the environment, fostering a dynamic and adaptable learning space essential for 21st-century education. A large Hub, located on the ground floor adjacent to the main lobby, is paired with the library to form the academic heart of the school.

The school features dedicated outdoor learning terraces situated around two large quads. These outdoor learning environments are integral to the school’s approach, blurring the lines between work and play to foster genuine engagement, creativity and collaboration. The school also has a multi-function roofscape that combines green areas for educational exploration and learning, an open-air amphitheatre and a 300m running track.

“The courtyard materiality take their inspiration from traditional Chinese gardens & forests. Concrete panels were cast using real bamboo resulting in a smooth textured, tactile finish that students are encouraged to touch and physically interact with.”
James Stockdale, Project Architect

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