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Consultation Launched at Davenport Green
24th July 2024

A public consultation on a masterplan for Davenport Green, south of Manchester, launched last week. Subject to approval by Trafford Council, these long term proposals represent investment in the area totalling over £750m.

The development includes the proposed delivery of around 2,500 high-quality new homes, 60,000 sqm of employment space and Greater Manchester’s newest rural park. The investment around the proposals includes £100 million of new infrastructure and facilities including enhanced primary education provision, a new local centre and community play facilities. The vision will also deliver a new Rural Park, the largest to be provided within Greater Manchester in a generation.

Land at Davenport Green is one of the strategic site allocations in the Greater Manchester ‘Places for Everyone’ plan, approved in March 2024. In line with the plan, the proposed site, which is located between Hale Barns and Timperley, has been brought forward in close collaboration with local stakeholders.

The ambition for this masterplan is to offer a new kind of urban environment, defined by its green landscape - reflecting, protecting and respecting the existing natural environment. Therefore, the neighbourhood will be set against the backdrop of Greater Manchester’s newest park providing a vibrant green neighbourhood with easy access to the natural environment.

“Promoting low energy use and active travel is essential for a low-carbon lifestyle, and Davenport Green has the potential to set a benchmark for context-driven design that delivers real social, environmental and economic value.”
Ivor Phillips, Director of Architecture

The masterplan sets out a long-term, positive and sustainable vision for local housing need. Over the next 13 years the delivery of high-quality, new homes will help to meet the housing needs of the borough. It will include homes for a wide variety of people at different stages of life.

This self-sufficient new development will fit seamlessly with the pre-existing landscape through major improvements in connectivity and local infrastructure. The masterplan has been designed around the delivery of an extension to the existing Metrolink line which has been safeguarded for delivery since the early 1990s. The extension will connect the new and existing communities with both the city centre and Manchester Airport. Additionally, a new local centre will provide space for much needed services, shops and amenities for local residents to enjoy.

You can find out more about the proposals and have your say on the plans here.