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4 ways the pandemic might reshape school design
Ben Somner
24th August 2020

The global pandemic has given everyone a chance to pause; to reflect on what we do and how we do it.

Social distancing, staggered classes, a blend of online and in-school teaching may all mean that schools of the future look and feel very different to those we know now, not just in the short term but for the medium and long term.

Having designed and overseen the building and operation of school projects in the UK, Middle East and Asia, Harry Hoodless, Director and Head of Education, believes there’s also a huge opportunity to rethink what a school is and how the school experience can be improved for all.

Harry talks to the The Times Educational Supplement about what our future schools could look like.

Read the article here

Harry Hoodless is a Board Director at Broadway Malyan, leading the education team in our Singapore and Shanghai studios.